On the Wings of a Snow White Dove

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'Colorado-Crusty is my heart and it has much to share... The LORD, Christ Jesus is my first Love and I put my whole being into walking a heart felt life...I have went from stepping-stone to stepping-stone through these numerous years...We raised seven children and that meant 'Full House for sure'. 'Come with me as we wander through these many words...I would like to hear your thoughts on the subjects...DeeO coloradocrusty@aol.com

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Ho-hum, Ho-hum, Ho-hum

Ho-Hum, Ho-Hum
    Peace in the 
             Heavenly Father,  
    Hey! you People out there.
    What time is it getting to be? ? ? 

For each and everyone of us that can be a different answer...
A happy time, a down time, a sad time,
a gloomy time, or may be on the wings of delight time...and peace falls in there some where...
No matter which of the types, we need to be sure and stay in the Lord God's time...aman to that ! ! !

Ecclesiastes 3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.
Yes, I know that can be hard at times...
Put that is why Jesus Christ said He would send the Holy Spirit to strengthen us and call things to memory...He is there to be our Helper...

Philippians 4:13  I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me...
John 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in My Name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

The Heavenly Father does not leave a believer in a lerch or abandon them...Often we walk away from Him...We know one should live by the example Jesus Chirst gave by His life... But if there isn't anyone or thing to tell a person how to do that...nature itself shows us...Look at the trees as their top branches reaches towards heaven to bear witness of the Father's glory, as to say praise the Creator...The seasons continue there cycle as the Maker has laid out before them...Look around yourself and see the Heavenly Father's handy work...it shouts out He is alive...

 Revelation 4:11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power; for Thou hast created all things and for Thy pleasure they are and were created...

God from the beginning had gave us signs of His love, and wants us to fellowship with Him... He didn't leave us unable to see His hand upon the earth...We have the light of the morning after the dark of the night...  The sun shines for all to see, as Jesus Christ shines light on the sinner to let him see the Father's love for him, all he has to do is accept the Lord Jesus as Lord and Saviour; if only he would move from sinful ways to following Jesus' example...'God is Love'...a faithful and true saying...He does care and He is long suffering and His forgiveness and grace  is there for all to accept...But one has to make that move on their own free will...to be with God the Father or not to be with Him...
A great price was paid to reunite us to God...let us be thankful for that and sing praises to the Almighty...

Do you say Ho-Hum because you are relaxed and at rest with the Lord Jesus, or do you say
 Ho-hum because you say you've heard this all before...  There is nothing new under the sun...
This has been said before but it doesn't change the truth, there is a Living, loving God...
He is long suffering giving everyone the change to come around, because He wants us all to share in His presents and His lovely promised land...but He does give us the choice...Why pick a pig-n-a-poke, instead of the Sweet Rose of Sharon...

It's time to take my leave...Look above for those showers of blessings that the Lord sends...don't miss them because you where asleep and not holding to your faith...The Father doesn't play favorites.. Let's smile and praise His Holy Name....come with me and walk beside me, as we breath love, peace and freedom that only come from the One True God...so long DeeO


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