The leaves have leafed, the blossoms are bright and the grass is green...does that mean that...
Spring has Sprung.....
In spite of ourselves the Lord God still brings the seasons and shows us His Love in so many ways.
At this time of the year we are reminded of, how new beginnings are starting and it is time for life to move on...
My dog is always itching to be let out side now after the winter days...she enjoys the fresh new season, and runs around the yard with new viger and spring in her steps.
We should look at this time of the year with eyes of understanding the of the beauty the Heavenly Father has put before us...Yes, there can be hard times...but we need to start some where to enjoy God's Love...
Shake off the old and let the new life spring forth...
I can so often let the dump-drums get a hold of me...get long in the mouth, and forget that the Almighty has plans of wonderful sights and love for me...we weren't created to crawl in a hole and shiver in the dark afraid...
The Lord doesn't want us to measure ourselves by man's emotions and put oneself down so low that we can't even see any light of day at the end of the hole, or load our minds with negatives to drift down, down into pits of no return...
Genesis 1:3 God said, let there be light, and there was light..
Isn't it interesting that the first words that are intered in the scriptures that the Lord God said were..."Let there be Light".
Let God's Light be shone forth on any darkness and let God's truth come forth....
Often we hear Jesus Christ called, 'The Light of the world".
Light comes after darkness, so could one take it to mean, come out of the darkness? The Almighty didn't take the darkness totally away, He gives us the choice to stay in it or come out of it...Does He intend us to stay out of fellowship with Him, or come into fellowship with Him?
Most things have to have light to grow...So we must have the Light of God to grow in our Christian walk...
Does God play favorites, the Word says no He doesn't...Can some be saved and others not...the answer again is no...but we do have the choice to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour or not to...
John3:17 For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved...
Here we see, into the doesn't say to some of the world...
The Almighty God doesn't want a few to be saved but all...Believe me He has Away to accomplice this, that everyone will have a chance...There are those that don't want to be with Him...but that is their chose...
I don't have the answer to all of it...but I do have faith in the Lord Almighty's, Love...
May this season be one of good beginnings for you and ever...DeeO
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