On the Wings of a Snow White Dove

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'Colorado-Crusty is my heart and it has much to share... The LORD, Christ Jesus is my first Love and I put my whole being into walking a heart felt life...I have went from stepping-stone to stepping-stone through these numerous years...We raised seven children and that meant 'Full House for sure'. 'Come with me as we wander through these many words...I would like to hear your thoughts on the subjects...DeeO coloradocrusty@aol.com

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

'angel of light'

Don't let satan creep-in.
Keep on your toes to his wilds..
You should use the moment to the utmost !
 We should use the moment to the utmost !
Have faith in the Creator using the
moment to the utmost ! ! !

There once was a dragon his name was 'des', short for desolation & destroyer...He went around making people confused and used that
to create anger within their being...this causes them to have a foggy mind...'des' steals their peace and is the father of lies, and murderer from the beginning...
'des' doesn't like it at all when a person tries to make him go...he'll snort and roar and breathe angry flames, to make them be afraid ...

PTL, the Heavenly Father's Love 'puts out those flames'....
I Peter 1:18-19  Knowing that you were not redeemed with perishable things like silver or gold from your futile way of life inherited from your forefathers.  But with precious blood, as
of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood
of Christ.

The Almighty's incorruptible Love,
 is there for us forever and ever...
 As Paul says in the scriptures,
"May that incorruptible Love of
the Lord be in our very being...
and  Finally, my brethren, be
strong in the Lord, and in the
power of His might."

Is the Almighty and/or satan a figment of peoples' imaginations? ?
Oh, ho, have you ever been caught-up in that trap...
Wake-up and smell the flowers at this point
of time...knowing faith is the key to
all things seen and unseen...

James tells us about   faith along with  works... he says, show   me your faith by works  and I'll show you my  works by faith...We are  told we  are all given a measure of faith...what does that mean...The Heavenly Father gives us the faith we need for the time we are in...Don't measure yourself against others and don't measure others my yourself...The Creator made each of us to be unique  and special...
I like the saying, "I know I am somebody, because God don't make no junk..."

The Loving God of all creation Loves us so..."Jesus Loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so"...Let's go back to that 'good old
try and true' verse, John 3:16...
Okay, go on look it up...lol
Don't forget that
 satan represents himself as an 'angel
of light' and comes
to deceive. The  devil does this to 
hurt the
Most Precious God,
by hurting us and turning a believer away, to the wrong path...

An Indian saying is, "will you take the narrow hard path, or the wide, grand path".

Remember satan will offer you
a bed of roses, but remember roses, also has thrones...

A person needs to do and say as Jesus Christ said: 'get ye behind me satan', and it is written, and we should do this in 'Jesus' Name' ...If you can't speak or know the Word just yet...We are told to seek wisdom from God and it shall be given to us...

Keep the faith and don't forget to fellowship with other people of the family of the Almighty God...

Ask the Lord God to flood your soul with HIS peace...

so long...DeeO


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